Urgent Appointment Notice! (জরুরী নিয়োগ বিজ্ঞপ্তি)

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim
Urgent Appointment/Recruitment Notice

Patwary Cadet (Islamic) Academy, Chandpur

Joytun Villa, Southern side of Mazharul Haque Eye Hospital, Chandpur Sadar, Chandpur


Some teachers and staff are going to be appointed in the above-mentioned institute in the following posts. Qualified, Energetic, Self-motivated and Experienced personals are strongly recommended to apply.

SL No. Name of the Post Qualifications Number of Posts Salary and Other Benefits
01 Principal/ Co-ordinator Master's Degree with at least 12 years of teaching experience 1 Negotiable
02 Vice Principal (Senior Section) Master's Degree with at least 8 years of teaching experience 1 Negotiable
03 IT Officer Bachelor's in IT or relevant field 1 Negotiable
04 Hifzul Quran (Hafez and Hafeza) Complete Hafez with a Bachelor's Degree in any Islamic subject 2 Negotiable
05 Assistant Teachers (Senior Section, Day Shift) Master's/Hons' Degree 6 Negotiable
06 Sports Teacher cum Hostel Super Bachelor's in Physical Education/Bachelor's Degree 1 Negotiable
07 Assistant Teachers (Junior Section, Morning Shift) Bachelor's(Hons') Degree/HSC  6 Negotiable
08 Receptionist, Office Attendant  HSC/Alim One individual for each post Negotiable
19 Security Guard, Night Guard JSC/JDC One individual for each post Negotiable

N.B- Qualified but finally selected candidates will get the benefits of House Rent, Medical Allowance, Festival Allowance, Uniform Allowance, Annual Incentive and other benefits.

Interested persons are requested to send an application or CV with all attested documents by December 27, 2024, in favour of the founder and director through email or by post.

You have to send application fees of BDT 1000 for posts from 1 to 3 and BDT 500 for posts from 4 to 9. Application fees must be sent through mobile banking procedures Bkash/Rocket/Nagad (Personal) 0177-2209077 before sending your complete CV with your necessary particulars with the application following our website: https://recruiment.patwarycadet.com/ or E-mail: patwarycadetacademy@gmail.com.

N.B- Please attach your mobile banking money receipt with your application through mail/by post/hand to hand (hard copy).
Apply Now
Zakir Hossain        

Founder & Director. 